The Group
Scouting provides fun and adventure to over 31 Million young people every week throughout the world.
4th Huddersfield Golcar Scout Group is one of the largest Scout Groups in West Yorkshire, based in the semi-rural village of Golcar, 2.5 miles (4km) west of Huddersfield Town centre.Scouting continues to grow in Golcar, our membership is now over 180 members, all enjoying the fun and adventure of scouting.
4th Golcar Scout Group has over 180 members aged between 4 and 18 years old. Our group is made up from five youth sections, Squirrels (4-6 year olds), Beavers (6-8 year olds), Cubs (8-10½ year olds), Scouts (10½-14 year olds) and the Explorers (14-18 year olds). Within West Yorkshire there is also a number of Network Scout Units (18-25 year olds).
We are members of The Scout Association, the largest co-educational youth Movement in the country with over 500,000 members. 4th Huddersfield Golcar Scout Group is registered with the Charity Commission, our registered charity number is: 1139501.